Monday, February 21, 2011

Alcohol wipes...

I might be the worst mother in world...

He was told to grab his tester before we got into the car to go meet his friend for lunch and a movie today. We were almost there when I asked him if he wanted to test in the car or at the restaurant.

He forgot his tester.

Not the end of the world -- we weren't going to be too late, but it was just a pain. Note to self - always check that he has it - I usually do, but I guess my brain is on vacation mode this week!

So, now we're back on our way... He opted to test himself before the restaurant so his friend didn't see him - sometimes he wants you to watch, and other times he doesn't want to be seen testing... maybe he just wanted privacy - no big deal...

We've been having an issue lately with him testing. He simply doesn't want to. Poor kid. We're looking into the sensor that will monitor his levels and will mean less testing, but in the meantime, he still has to test at least 6 times a day.

Another glitch is that - when he tests, he hates using an alcohol wipe. It's faster (and lazier) to just test and then wipe the blood on a tissue (or his shirt, or the tester case, etc...) Then, I noticed that when I made him use a wipe, he'd wipe one finger and use another, so he didn't have to wait for it to dry. His school nurse noticed as well... he's a stinker, but it needs to be done the right way. It's not blowing a nose, it's testing BLOOD. The alcohol wipe is necessary.

It came to a head today.

We were in the car on the way to lunch and as I mentioned, he wanted to test before we got there. So, I reminded him to use a wipe. He said he did, and gave me the tester. I asked him to give me the wipe so I could put it with the garbage. He said that he already shoved it in the pocket of the seat. I told him to get it and give it to me...

As a teacher, I know what it looks like when a child is looking in their backpack or desk for a homework assignment that doesn't exist. This wipe he was looking for clearly didn't exist. He lied to me! He eventually admitted that he hadn't used a wipe after all!

I wanted to turn around and bring him home - skip lunch and the movie as his punishment, but would that have punished his friend who was waiting for him???

Here's why I feel like the worst mom that ever lived. I'm punishing him for lying, but is he going to be mad at me for it (which would be fine) or is he going to be pissed every time he has to test himself? I fear I made the wrong choice to punish him (he lost tv for the rest of the day).

The rest of the way there, I lectured him on why it's important to use a wipe, and that his diabetes doctor would not be very happy if he found out that he wasn't doing the right thing - the healthy thing - He said he would do the right thing.

He's 6. I know. but the diabetes MUST be taken care of to a "t" if he's to live his life without complications. Can he have candy and ice cream and forget to test here and there??? Yes, but if it's such a simple thing such as using a stupid alcohol wipe - I have to win that battle, right???

I just feel so bad for him that it's a battle that he even has to have.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, June! I saw your post on Juvenation, and have added you to the blogs I follow. Our son was dx'd 5/13/09 just before his 8th birthday. I, too, struggle with discipline around Diabetes. It is difficult to balance compassion and understanding, with firmness and insistence that he take care of himself. You're not alone. There are a lot of parents who blog about their children with T1; you can find some listed on our family blog:
