Sunday, February 13, 2011

Angels exist.

Just sighed as I was logging in to post.
Go ahead, sigh. Feels good, huh? We need to take time here and there in the form a sigh to stop, regroup, and well, just get ready for what's next...

I encountered a symphony of angels today.

Go back to last night when I discovered that we no longer had any site changes left. (read the last entry before you read this.) Not that it was the end of the world, but Jimmy has gotten used to having no shots since we started the pump. The idea of shots sent my poor little man's head spinning. After talking with the doctor via the answering service, I gave him the shots last night, and he cried himself to sleep (and as a result, so did I.) I hate that he has to endure this, and will have to for the next 90 years...

So, this morning, I did all I could possibly do. I called Medtronic, and they said they would RUSH out 2 emergency infusion sets - that would arrive early Tuesday morning. Ugh!! what kind of rush is that???

Angel number one: I facebooked my nurse friend who was there the whole first day when Jimmy was diagnosed -her son is also a diabetic. She said she had extra site changes and the angel she is, she even offered to assist in in putting the site in (it turns out that there are different infusion types, and we don't use the same one...) So, I told Jimmy that we would go to the hospital and our favorite hospital Nurse was going to put in a new site so he didn't have to have shots while we waited for the mail carrier to bring us the new sites. I think it was probably the word "hospital" which was the reason that he bolted out of the room. Like lightening, he was gone. Poor kid. So, there was my first angel in our corner. (thanks J!) It was an amazing offer - for her to have reached out to help us - it meant so very much, and we're so very grateful!

Jimmy was ready to ride out the shots until his shipment came in...

Angel Number 2: Just to give it a shot, I figured I'd reach out to Matt (our Medtronic Angel, a.k.a. Molly's brother.) I sent him the following email early this morning:

Hi Matt, First off - LOVE THE PUMP!!!!!
Jimmy is doing so very well, and we're so proud of him - he's even trying his own site changes the past couple of times, which leads me to the reason for this email... hoping you get this today... if not, no worries...

Last night at midnight, we discovered that we were out of infusion sets... My husband and Jimmy are learning, and they use 2 or 3 infusion sets when they try to get it right... So, noticing we were down to about 1/2 dozen, I placed an order last Wednesday, but it's not due to come until this Wednesday.

When I checked him at midnight, he was a 400 +. Turns out, the site had become dislodged. Discovering we had no more infusion sets, I panicked and called the answering service for Dr. Aisenberg. We were instructed to give him both levemir and novolog via the shot pens. My heart broke for my Jimmy when he heard the shots were coming. He cried himself to sleep. But, I now know that he is truly on board with the pump!!!!!

So, I called medtronic and they're shipping out an emergency supply - but it won't get here until Tuesday. Our regular shipment is not due until Wednesday. There might be a chance that his nurse at school has an extra set, so we might be able to change it tomorrow... BUT, if you happen to be in the area, would it be possible for us to come an pick up any extra sets you might have? I just gave him his shot again and the poor kid was so upset... He'll live, but I thought I would try reaching out to you.

As I said, no worries if you don't get this today - hoping this email finds you well!

Ok, so now, we wait and see... We can hang in there until Tuesday, and we're competent in giving the shots, but he's 6 and so used to the pump now, and so reluctant to have th shots...

Angel Number 3: In the meantime, I wanted to call Jimmy's nurse at school. I know I have the number somewhere, but where??? So, back to facebook... I sent a message to her family (she's not on fb, but her family is!!) In about 15 minutes, I got a call from her!!! Turns out, that she had just gotten finished reading my blog, when her daughter called her to let her know that I had requested that she call!! We seem to be consistently thinking of Jimmy and/or each other at the same time... calls to each other, emails to each other, etc... I truly believe that she is another angel here on earth. Jimmy is unbelievably blessed to have her in his corner and on his side looking after him! So, there we were... wondering a way to get into the school to get the infusion set she had in her office... how would we do it when the school was closed??? janitor??? police??? we decided it probably be best to wait until Monday morning... It wasn't a matter of life and death - it was a matter of catering to a 6 year old who didn't want shots (and let's face it - who WANTS shots???!! We'd wait until Monday morning, and she would meet me early at school to help with the site. Jimmy's school nurse is an angel here on earth, who I am so very fortunate to have on my side and in my corner. (Thanks A!!)

Back to Angel Number 2: So, I'm talking with Jimmy's nurse on the phone planning to meet early tomorrow morning to insert a new site with the infusion sets she has... All of a sudden, Jimmy comes bolting into the family room (in the back of the house) waving 2 new sites in the air!!!!! With my jaw dropping to the floor, I asked "Where on earth did you find them???" He said, "Matt just brought them."

ok, time for another sigh... Jimmy's definitely got a guardian angel (and probably more than one) up there looking after him... deep breath...

As Jim and I sprinted to the front door, Jenna let us know that Matt said he couldn't stay. that his daughter was sleeping in the car. I couldn't let him leave. My heart beat out of my chest as I ran out to hug him to thank him for coming to Jimmy's rescue. A "thank you" wasn't nearly enough. A hug was not enough. What do you say or do for the person who consistently comes to your rescue??? His sister was how we were introduced to Matt. The pump is how we fell in love with Matt. And now? well, there I go again with the sigh... ... ... There's no question that he's and angel on earth. I'm positive. He's a super hero. He's amazing.

So, Jimmy's got some angels out there... hospital nurse, school nurse, and Super Hero Matt. I firmly believe that Jimmy will be ok. I've got goosebumps reliving today. His hospital nurse offering to come to his rescue, his school nurse ready to come to his rescue via whatever means possible, and Matt literally going above and beyond what is expected of him in his job. Who works on Sunday, not to mention makes a house call, if they don't have to??? Only angels.

Our deepest appreciation to our angels out there. Jimmy is sleeping soundly (even snoring) at the moment. I've got to go test him for his midnight check, but I know the result will be perfect. I'm asking my angels (here on earth and beyond) to gather all that happened in the last few days and regroup. A sort of "sigh" among all involved. Jimmy would have been ok without all of the angelic intervention, but with it??? No contest. All is well.


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